I signed on the dole, for Unemployment Benefit, for the first time in June 1988, when I was 54 years old, along with Bryan, who had just finished his course at the Bridgend Technical College, well qualified to start out on a career in Computer Assisted Design. We went together.
I received Unemployment Benefit for the first time in my life, and six months later, it suddenly stopped. When I went to enquire, I was told the Benefit was only paid up to the age of 55 year, and as I had reached that age, I was entitled to nothing until my Old Age Pension at age 65.
When I reached 65, I waited for my Old Age Pension to arrive, and nothing happened. When I went to enquire, I was asked if I had applied for it. I asked why I had to do that, and was told that they would not know that I was 65 unless I told them. I pointed out that I had only a few weeks ago been on holiday in Tenerife, and on my 65th birthday a chamber maid arrived at the chalet door with a bottle of champagne, and red rose and a card congratulating me for reaching the age of 65, so why did not my Pensions Department know! They also knew when I reached the age of 55 years and stopped my dole without telling me. I was told firmly that I had to apply for my Old Age Pension and then I had to fight to get it back-dated to my birthday and not lose about six or eight weeks pension because of their inefficiency.
I had already completed 30 years in the Probation Service, and recognised that the Service was changing, not, I thought, for the better. Politicians were starting to tell fully trained, experienced Probation Officers, what to do and how to do it, and Chief Officers in the Service were playing along with them. My previous Chief Probation Officer, Mr. Albin Crook, just before he retired, had negotiated a good deal, allowing Officers with 30 years service or more to retire, with up to 10 years enhancement of their service, on full pension. The Government wanted new, young officers, with new young ideas, to take over from us old fogies with our years of experience and knowledge.
But, I am ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning.